I’m posting this because I enjoy meeting new people and because many of the great technical people I meet are curious about working at Google. If we’ve spoken at a conference and you think I have forsaken you, please don’t fret. Email me your resume, remind me who you are, and I’ll add you to the voracious technical employer that is Google. I want you to work here and do well. Really, I do. To help, a few handy links to things people much smarter than I have written.
Here’s the official corporate video:
Stevey’s Hilarious Post about what to expect and how to prepare.
And finally, if you’re really serious about being a computer scientist, work through this book:
Which you can also find free on the web. (As my my vanpool buddy says “Just Bing it.”)
You might also want to work through this:
Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition
If I interview you, you’ll be a leg up on most candidates if you read: Design Patterns. Seriously, do people think about this stuff anymore?
And for massive extra cred:
Art of Computer Programming, The, Volumes 1-3 Boxed Set (2nd Edition) (Vol 1-3)
Work hard, and read Outliers: The Story of Success, which explains why I’m not actually kidding with my link to Knuth.