Coder for the People

Starting a User Group

At RubyConf I stood up and volunteered expertise I accumulated starting and running the Los Angeles Java Users’ Groupfor the first seven or so years of its existence. If you’re thinking of starting a group in your area, here are a few tips:

Why a User Group?

It’s really easy to mistake the fluid and personal-feeling communication tools available these days for real face-to-face time. Brains are amazing things, with machinery that has evolved specifically to help us communicate with each other in person. Don’t miss out on it!

Get a bunch of people interested in the same thing together in a room, stir the pot with an interesting speaker or shared project, and then give folks a chance to talk informally with each other afterwards.

The rewards are immediate AND long term.

The Basics — What Do I Need to Have a Users Group?

What Facilities Do I Need?

Getting Sponsored

No! In the seven years I ran LAJUG, I never spent or took in money. People volunteered space, an email list and a web server, and that was all it really took. These days, the web space and email lists could be handled through any one of several advertising-sponsored web sites. (Feel free to link to your favorites in your comments to this post.) During the boom sometimes vendors would spring for pizza and soda, and I sometimes brought coffee and cookies myself. Later on, I got members to volunteer for cookie duty.

Getting Speakers

The best speakers come from within the local community. If you’re active on the ruby lists and IRC you can probably find them there, and it wouldn’t hurt to email the people you’d like to present *now* for possible engagements “whenever they’re in your area”. I’ve never needed to pay anybody — the non-vendors want to give back to the community and promote themsleves, and the vendors, of course, want to sell you something.

Preparing Speakers

Over any stretch of time you can count on a the following:


There are as many topics that will be interesting to a good users’ group as there are people who attend. Over the years, the Java users’ group took on subjects as widely varied as Extreme Programming, VRML, and the local job market.

If you take on the responsibility of organizing a group, one of the perks is picking the occasional tangent topic that is of particularly interesting to you (so long as there’s a connection back to your main subject area, of course!)

Keeping it Fun

For the Ruby crowd, it’s less of a problem at the moment, but I can see ISPs and development software vendors offering to speak often enough that you could book late 2007 and 2008 with just sales pitches. Vendor presentations are often great, but it’s good to mix it up with technical presentations.

I think workshops are a great idea right now — a Rails install fest, for example. Hmm, that might only take the first ten minutes…

And, of course, Your Comments

I hope this post will live for quite a while, so please add any ideas you’ve found helpful in the comments section. If they remind me of specific advice, I’ll revise the list above.

See you at the next group meeting!

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