Category Archives: Business Cards

Coder for the People

Published / by gavin

I write software for a living, these days at Google, but in the past at DreamWorks Animation, Idealab and ArsDigita among others. I think rich internet applications are The Way, and I like to make them richer.
I like people. I like meeting new folks, and talking to them, and meeting their friends, and walking up to strangers in public places and striking up conversations. I actually hand out a lot of business cards, just because it seems like the polite thing to do after somebody has done me the courtesy of getting to know me.

At work you can pick your own title for your business cards. Well, you can’t put “CEO” or “Vice President” unless you really are one, but the internal designations are pretty useless outside Google.

I thought for a while about what I do, and why I do it. What I do, ultimately, is try to make peoples’ lives more pleasurable, especially when they touch technology. That’s one of the reasons I like movies, and user interface, and open source, and the web. I’m here for the people.

Coder for the People

Coder for the People